Saturday, May 24, 2008

Barber Direct Drive

9/10 condition
Marshall amp-like tone.
Internal trim pots + push pull harmonic booster knob are added bonuses.



Monday, May 19, 2008

Kimjawbettas Rutt V2

A much tamer contraption of the original Rutt. Not a far cry from its predecessor , its just different with the additional features.

Ok , so the new features would be

- Fuzz cut switch , left = low gain with less muff fuzz, right = high gain with more muff fuzz

- Lil red LED that glows with the intensity of your picking.

- G - add acts as a signal/color booster. Gave my 1992 strat the bell-like chime.

I would love to give demos of this pedal. so just drop me an email to set an appointment :)
