Monday, May 19, 2008

Kimjawbettas Rutt V2

A much tamer contraption of the original Rutt. Not a far cry from its predecessor , its just different with the additional features.

Ok , so the new features would be

- Fuzz cut switch , left = low gain with less muff fuzz, right = high gain with more muff fuzz

- Lil red LED that glows with the intensity of your picking.

- G - add acts as a signal/color booster. Gave my 1992 strat the bell-like chime.

I would love to give demos of this pedal. so just drop me an email to set an appointment :)



Anonymous said...

Hi, just wanna know, where are kimjawbettas made in???and is it still possible to get teh Rutt instead of the rutt v2

Marcus said...

Hey Anon,

yeah mr.kimjaw will continue to make the original rutts if the demand is high enough. Due to technical issues , his pedals in the making are on hold.


Anonymous said...

Rutt2 is a handmade FX made in Thailand. I'm Thai people and I've got this one. I just can't believe that the Rutt2 is known by other people abroad. It's the totally best stomp box i've ever had. Thanks god, I knew Mr. Kimjaw and he is very kind.

Marcus said...

We have an AD-17 Delay for sale!